About Me

SWOT Analysis

Last but not least, I want to give a SWOT Analysis with all the Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats related to my dream job.

Strenghts: My Strenghts are my experiences in creating my own magazine. I understand how the process of making a whole magazine is working from the very beginning on: Generating content, create a concept, photography, precision at work…

Weaknesses: It could happen that I don‘t have enough working experience, especially when it comes to merchandising of magazines etc.

Opportunities: The trend is tending to go back to analog again eventhough our world is digital. Everybody wants to be unique and independent, not mainstream – that´s why INDIE Magazines become more popular. These magazines have their own special USP due to the fact they have a limited edition. On the other hand, the digital job market allows me to create a good self-promotion.

Threats: Due to the trend to the analog, there is a big competetion amongst the competitors. A lot of young creative people want to be unique and create their own stuff. The market of independent magazines seems not to be too sure, there is a fluctuation in supply and demand.
